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I moved to a different school. How can I update my Educator Account?

If you move to a new school site in the same school district, reach out to the administrator with a account at your new site so they can create an account for you. By having the Site or District Admin create an account at your new school site with your existing district-provided email, the system can find your account at the old school and pull it over to your new site. Once the account is moved, you can continue to sign in with the current email and password associated with your account.

If you move to a new school site in a new district, notify your previous site that you’re no longer there so they can delete your account. Then, at your new site, reach out to the administrator with a account so they can create a new account for you. This new account will need to be registered. If you’re in a Partner District, you can also reach out to your CCGI contact to help you set up a new account. Check out our Account Lookup Tool to determine what type of account is available to you.
