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What are students’ Your Activities?

When students sign in to their account, the home page shows their grade level and presents them with the option to click My Activities or My Financial Aid Plan. Clicking My Activities takes students to the tab Your Activities. Students can also click the list icon between the search icon and person icon at the top right of the page when signed in.  

Your Activities is a list of grade-level specific activities for students to complete. Each activity includes an associated student worksheet. These activities guide students through a series of actions to help them develop their postsecondary plan. Trackable activities associated with each worksheet, such as taking an assessment or favoriting careers, will be saved in students’ My Plan.

Students can mark activities as completed when they’re done. Educators can track completion of Your Activities in the Educator Dashboard via a report titled Which students have completed Grade Level Activities? Check out our How to Run Grade Level Activities Progress Report tutorial for detailed instructions.
