All of the tutorials on our Tutorials page can be viewed in video form. Watch the video below demonstrating how to switch the Learning Modes on our tutorials.
In addition, you can visit our Vimeo page to check out other videos related to and CCGI.
1. Read the screen for more information.
Click the right arrow below the tutorial to advance to the next slide.
2. On the tutorial screen, you’ll find the title of the tutorial on the top right.
3. On the bottom right, you’ll find an information box that tells you how many steps there are in the tutorial and how long it should take for you to complete it.
4. Before moving on, we’ll go over how to change the learning mode of a tutorial.
This allows you to adjust the tutorial to the learning style that works best for you.
Click the Try It button on the bottom left of the tutorial.
5. Clicking on the button will lead to the Select Mode pop-up window, which lists the different learning modes.
Our tutorials default to the Try It mode, which allows you to interact with the tutorial as it goes through different steps.
6. The Scroll It mode provides you a list of steps and accompanying images.
The Slide It mode allows you to view the steps like you would a slide deck presentation.
The Watch It mode allows you to watch the tutorial like a video.
7. Click the X button on the top right of the tutorial to close the Select Mode pop-up window.
8. Next, we’ll go over how to change the language of the tutorial.
Click the Gear button at the bottom of the tutorial.
9. Clicking on the Gear button will take you to the Setting pop-up window.
Click Change.
10. Clicking on Change will take you to the Choose Language menu, which is in alphabetical order. You can scroll down to find the language you want to translate the tutorial to.
11. You can also use the Quick Find function to find the language you’re looking for. Simply type the name of the language in the search box.
12. The language of your choice should appear as a choice beneath the search box if it is available.
Click the link.
13. Click the X button on the top right of the tutorial to close the Choose Language pop-up window.
14. The tutorial will automatically translate to the language you selected.
15. Next, we’ll go over how to download the tutorial as a PDF.
Click the Download button at the bottom of the tutorial.
16. Choose the page orientation you want for the PDF. Click whichever orientation works best for you.
17. Click the X button on the top right of the tutorial to close the Download PDF pop-up window.
18. Next, we’ll go over how to view the tutorial in Full-Screen Mode.
To view the tutorial in Full-Screen Mode, click the Screen Mode button at the bottom of the tutorial.
19. To exit Full-Screen Mode, simply click the Screen Mode button again, and it will minimize the tutorial to its regular size.
20. Click the Start Tutorial button in the middle to start the tutorial.
21. When you start the tutorial, a few other buttons will appear.
When using Watch It mode, you can click the Pause/Play button at the bottom of the tutorial to play or pause the video at any time.
22. You can also use the left and right arrow buttons at the bottom of the tutorial to move back and forth between steps.
23. You can also zoom in and out of the page being displayed on the tutorial by clicking the Magnifying Glass button on the bottom of the tutorial.
24. And that’s it! You’re ready to start using the tutorials and experience what it’s like to use and navigate!
Here’s an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **
Account Management
- Can I edit or delete my Student Account information, like my ID number?
- Can I still use my Student Account once I’m in college?
- Do I need a Student Account?
- How do I add a second email to my Student Account?
- How do I connect an adult to my Student Account?
- I can’t register. What should I do?
- I don’t have a Student Account. How do I get one?
- I think I had a Student Account before, but I’m not sure. Can I create a new Student Account?
- I'm homeschooled or go to a private school. Can I create a Student Account?
- I’m a college student trying to register for an account, but my college isn’t listed. How do I find my college?
- My Student Account shows the wrong school. How do I change it?
- Can I delete a Student Account?
- How can I export my student lists?
- How can I see which of my students have registered their accounts?
- How do I create a Partner Student Account?
- How do I create Basic Student Accounts?
- How do I edit a student's account information?
- How do I give other educators access to select students?
- How do I reset passwords for students?
- Can a third party have an account at our district/school?
- How do I edit my Educator Account information (e.g., name, email, etc)?
- How do I get an Educator Account?
- How do I register my Educator Account?
- I moved to a different school. How can I update my Educator Account?
- I oversee multiple schools. How can I add all of my schools to my Educator Account?
- What is the difference between Educator Account user roles?
College Application Tools
- Does coursework from the Academic Planner migrate to Cal State Apply?
- How do I fill out college applications with
- How do students launch a college application from (CCC, CSU, UC)?
- What are "a-g" requirements?
- What information will transfer to Cal State Apply?
College and Career Planning Tools
- How do I plan my classes and add grades to My Plan?
- How do students download and upload documents to
- How do students plan their courses using the Academic Planner?
- Once a term is complete, what happens to planned courses?
- What can students search for on
- What happens to students’ planned courses when they go to high school?
- Where do the Search Tools get college, major, and career data?
Financial Aid Tools
- Are the financial aid lessons AB 2015 compliant?
- How do I learn about financial aid?
- How do students access financial aid lessons for previous grades?
- How do students launch a financial aid application from (FAFSA/California Dream Act Application)?
- I’m a senior. How do I fill out my FAFSA or California Dream Act Application for financial aid?
Parent Tools
General Questions
- Do you have video tutorials?
- Do you offer print materials?
- Do you offer recordings of virtual trainings?
- I still can't find what I'm looking for. Who do I contact?
- Is the content available in Spanish or other languages?
- What is Assembly Bill 1584 (AB 1584)?
- What's the difference between Partner and Basic Accounts?
Educator Reporting Tools
Educator Tools
- Are the financial aid lessons AB 2015 compliant?
- Do you have video tutorials?
- Do you offer print materials?
- Do you offer recordings of virtual trainings?
- How do I access the educator guides/lessons for CCGI’s curriculum?
- How do I assign a Goal, Journal, or Task to my students?
- How do I assign grade level activities to students?
- How do I best prepare to administer lessons?
- How do students access their lessons?
- Is there a list of all the default tasks by grade level?
- Is there a list of the default goal and journal prompts?
- What are students' My Tasks?
- What are students’ Your Activities?
Student Tools
- Do you have video tutorials?
- Does coursework from the Academic Planner migrate to Cal State Apply?
- How do I fill out college applications with
- How do I learn about financial aid?
- How do I plan my classes and add grades to My Plan?
- How do students download and upload documents to
- How do students launch a college application from (CCC, CSU, UC)?
- How do students launch a financial aid application from (FAFSA/California Dream Act Application)?
- How do students plan their courses using the Academic Planner?
- I’m a senior. How do I fill out my FAFSA or California Dream Act Application for financial aid?
- Once a term is complete, what happens to planned courses?
- What are "a-g" requirements?
- What can students search for on
- What happens to students’ planned courses when they go to high school?
- What information will transfer to Cal State Apply?
- Where do the Search Tools get college, major, and career data?
- Show all articles1 Collapse Articles
Technical Requirements
- Are there any locally installed applications or apps required to use
- Are there any software or plugins required?
- Can be linked within our district portal?
- Do you support Single Sign-On (SSO)?
- Do you support the One Roster API for roster uploads?
- Does your site use Adobe Flash or HTML5?
- How much bandwidth do I need to use the platform?
- The date and time are correct on my computer so why am I still receiving a time zone error message?
- What are account password requirements?
- What are some reasons why my students may experience slowness while taking the Career Assessments?
- What does my IT department need to know?
- What internet browsers are supported by the platform?
- What is my password if I register or Sign In with Google?
- Why am I not receiving password reset or verification code emails?
- Why did I receive a time zone error message?
- Why do you support only Chrome, Safari, and Edge browsers?
- Why isn’t the page working like it’s supposed to?
- Show all articles2 Collapse Articles